Advanced Menus are Platform menu options which are only visible when the 'Show advanced menus' option is selected from the 'User Preferences' (accessed from the top-right-hand burger menu when editing a knowledge base). Platform arrays are 2-dimensional data structures (of type Numeric or Text) which can be used to store multiple data points for processing by a Platform script; for example a list of historical temperature readings are held in an array and the average temperature is calculated in a script. Arrays are mainly used by XpertScript scripts. Note that Arrays cannot be directly used in Knowledge Objects such as Decision Trees. When using JavaScript scripts to process multiple data points, the use of JSON strings instead of arrays to store multiple data points is much more powerful.
An Attribute (aka Calculated Question) refers to a object which is used in building knowledge and whose runtime value is obtained without direct user input (unlike a Question). For example its value could be read from a database or derived from other objects. A Question object can also used to represent an Attribute and as long as it is assigned a runtime value before it is encountered in the knowledge (e.g. in a script in the Attribute's OnCapture Event)
A Base Class provides a template for creating Platform objects. It can be one of 5 types; List, Numeric, Date, Text & Boolean. All Object types have built-in system Properties and Events; List and Boolean types can also have user defined List Value Properties. Objects inherit all the Properties and Events of their Base Class parent. System Properties and Events control the behaviour of Objects whilst user defined properties can be used and manipulated via Platform scripts.
A Boolean type is a Platform object whose runtime value can be set to either Yes or No (True or False).
This is a web service that allows full management of automated tasks generated by an application.
A specific scripting object, provided in the Platform under the Integration Services of the Build Tools, that when encountered during inference creates a new task within Bot Portal.
Browser Deployment is where the deployed Platform knowledge base is uploaded to a server but is fully executed in the user's Web Browser.
Build Tools are set of drag-n-drop wizard-like assistants for building and maintaining Platform objects. They guide the developer through the steps required for creating and configuring Platform objects. These tools are grouped by category inside a special Build Tools panel (in the top-left-hand side of the Platform editor). The number and nature of Build Tools available to a Platform developer will vary according to their version of Platform and their licensed options. These Build Tools are made available where appropriate from the node menus in the editors of Decision Trees, Decision Flows and Decision Rules.
An Attribute whose runtime value is derived (using a formula or an algorithm) using its associated Script (either XpertScript or JavaScript) inside the object's script editor
This type of user interface generates a scrolling chat-style user interface to capture the runtime answers to Questions.
The Web Server used by the Viabl Platform to perform machine learning tasks to support the use of data-driven Knowledge such as Data mining Trees.
A Platform variable Object of type Date.
A Tree-based Platform Knowledge Object used to define the decision flow logic by specifying when other Platform objects are invoked (the order and conditions of execution). Every knowledge base contains at least one Decision Flow Tree, typically called “Main_Flow” which acts as the Start Object to execute
Is a tree-like diagram showing how Platform objects in a knowledge base are connected, starting with the Start Object. Various Decision Map Options can be set to determine which type of Objects are included in this map diagram. It Is possible to jump to different Trees/ Flows/ Editors by Double-clicking them in the Decision Map. There are also options available by Right-clicking objects in the Decision Map.
A table-based Platform Knowledge Object used to define decision making logic by specifying how combinations of its Question/Attribute values lead to an Outcome (one of a number of its pre-defined Outcomes). If the Decision Table itself is designated as “multi-select” then its Leaf Nodes can have multiple Outcomes. The order of the Questions in the table columns is the order its Questions are prompted for by the user interface (A Question is not prompted for if it already has an answer).
A Tree-based Platform Knowledge Object used to define decision making logic by specifying the conditions under which its Objects (e.g. Questions) are invoked to follow a single path in the Tree until a Leaf Node is reached. The Leaf node contains one of a number of its pre-defined Outcomes (for a List type Tree) or a number (for a numeric type Tree). If the Decision Tree itself is designated as “multi-select” then its Leaf Nodes can be assigned multiple Outcomes. The order in which the Tree’s Questions are encountered when executing a Decision Tree is the order in which these Questions are "prompted for" 9 (e.g. via the user interface). An already answered Question is not prompted for again (unless its Dynamic property has been set to True).
These are the web servers used to host the runtime deployment of applications built using the Platform.
A Dialog is a Platform Object which can be used to display information and/or capture one or more input Questions in form-like dialog. It can be invoked by being included in any branch of a Decision Flow Tree. A Dialog can also be tied to a Question Object (using its tiedDialog property) to capture that Question as and when it is encountered during runtime inference.
This type of User Interface uses Dialog & Report Objects for user input and output. The availability of this user interface (as well as Chat and Silent) can be set when creating a new knowledge base.
The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) is a standard published by the Object Management Group which provides a standard for describing and modelling repeatable decisions to ensure that decision models are interchangeable across systems and organisations. The DMN Export Tool in Platform generates the DMN representation of relevant Objects in a knowledge base (as xml text which can be copied to the clipboard).The DMN Import tool can be used to create Platform Objects from the relevant DMN input (xml text which can be pasted-in from the clipboard)
This functionality allows questions to be asked in a certain sequence, no matter what the outcome. Also statistics can be recorded and the sequence can be dynamically managed by the applciation depending on which question or resolution is more successful
A table generated from a Decision Tree which with the equivalent decision making logic.
Form Rules are user interface display rules local to each Dialog Object. They are used for input validation and/or for dynamic showing/hiding of Dialog controls depending on the known answers to Questions on the same Dialog.
A bare-bones application that has been generated for a specific solution. E.g. Risk Assessment. The User is prompted for parameters which are then used to generate the application
Structure that allows knowledge objects to be executed in a specific order. Knowledge objects added to a hierarchy can be peers or children of knowledge objects already in the hierarchy.
This is the screen that lists the knowledge bases, folders and templates in a users account.
A general purpose standard computer programming language which can be used in the implementation of algorithms in Platform Script Objects.
Is an open-standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value).
In the Platform, the Knowledge Base is a single deploy-able application containing all Objects, Rules, Scripts, User Interface, etc.
This menu option allows a knowledge base to be deployed for testing by others. The difference between Publish and Test Run, is that Test Run is used for quick testing and is the deployed application overwritten every time it is invoked.
Files that can uploaded and then reused within the application. e.g. an Image logo. These can be added from the Knowledge Base Resources in the main menu.
Any application can be converted to a template. This will preserve and objects, base classes and any settings. These templates can then be used when creating a new application as a consistent starting point
Set up the run time to be deployed in a different language. There can be multiple languages setup for any application.
This is an object that contains specific knowledge, for example a decision tree, decision flow, decision table, script object etc.
The terminal end of a decision tree or decision flow where there is an outcome to return.#
An Object of type list is where all the possible List Values that the Object can have at runtime are pre-defined. A List Object can be defined either as Single or as Multi-select.
An Object of type list must have the list of all its allowed values defined by the developer. Where such Objects are captured from a user, the order of the defined values is the order in which these values will be displayed to the user. List values can also be added or removed at runtime using the Object's addInstance & delInstance methods via a Platform script (JavaScript).
The knowledge base can be delivered as a 'silent' or transactional application to run on an instance of Node.js. The option to deploy the knowledge base for this runtime type is set by the Platform administrator.
A Numeric type is a Platform Object whose runtime value can be set to a number and have limitations of range, decimal places set etc.
Is the basic building block in a knowledge base and all Objects are all listed in the Object Catalog. Objects such as Questions and Decision Trees are derived from a customisable Base Class whilst other objects such as Dialogs, Scripts & Reports have no Base Class.
Object that are made of a number of other Objects (Such as Decision Trees, Scripts, Dialogs, etc. have their Editors open as a new Tab on the (multi-tab) right hand side. Other Objects such as Questions & Scripts have their editors pop-up one at a time. Each type of Object Editor has its own features specific to it.
Enables scripts to be run at a specific moment when encountering an object OnCapture, OnLeave and OnUpdate
These are the properties associated with the specific values in a list object, e.g. synonyms. New properties can be added and values accessed through script.
These are the properties associated with a specific object to determine how that object will behave when encountered, whether it can be blank, whether it is dynamic, has a default value etc
Within a Knowledge Object Editor view, the object palette provides a list of all objects used in that knowledge object.
This is where new object properties can be added i.e. the name of that property it's type and description.
All objects that exist in the application can be accessed from the Object Catalog. Each object is put into categories, Knowledge Objects, Questions, Scripts etc.
A Platform Object variable which can used in building Knowledge Objects and whose runtime value is captured by direct user input. It supports a number of ways in which the Question can be presented to the user and its user entered answer is validated. A Question is created using the “Add a Question” Build Tool
Is a, A Report Object used to display information in either Dialog or Chat deployment modes..
This feature is available in the Decision Tables Editor. It automatically converts a Table, consisting of examples of decisions (Cases) to a Decision Tree. This process is called “Rule Induction” or “Decision Tree Induction”. It uses a ML algorithm to “discover” generalised decision making rules (Decision Tree) from the given “examples” of decision making given by a domain expert. This process can therefore highlight gaps or conflicts in the given set of examples.
These are the rules run in a Decision Rules object, they are run in order and any number of rules can fire which can set multiple outcomes for the Decision Rules Object.
This is a language object that can be executed within a knowledge object, full javascript library is available and a special xpertrule javascript object, can be an object or embedded
This is a language object that can be executed within a knowledge object. This a simplified scripting language for assignments calculations and system functions, can be an object or embedded
The knowledge base can be delivered as a 'silent' or transactional application to run on an instance of Node.js. The option to deploy the knowledge base for this runtime type is set by the Platform administrator.
This is the first object run when the runtime engine is executed
A test version of the application is deployed to the matching deployment server and allocated a temporary URL. Users will also be provided with a debug trace string that can then be reused in the trace function to step through the iteration of that particular run.
A Text type is a Platform Object whose runtime value can be set to text, single or multi-line.
A existing dialog that an object can be tied to or a dialog can be tied to.
A branch within a decision tree that will be followed based on the answer to a previous question or threshold.
The end node of a particular branch. This will be the value allocated to the tree on reaching this node. If "Empty" a user will be prompted for an answer, Silent deployments cannot have "Empty" leaf nodes
This split will provide a branch for every possible answer for that particular object Question or knowledge object
No matter what answer is allocated there will only be only be one path to follow and essentially makes the objects sequential
A Tree node is the value or threshold for a particular object within a tree.
A method used to move from one Tree node to another circumnavigating objects. It is also possible to jump further back in the tree, which also gives the functionality to create loops
The Outcome is the value supplied at the end of a Tree leaf Node. These definitions can be used interchangeably
If a sequence node is used within a tree, a leaf node can have an outcome, or a sequence to continue to the next branch. This way it is possible to execute multiple branches of a tree.
Generic term for any split within a decision tree. There can be single branch split, multi-way split or no split at all.
Provide a table structure with a row for every possible combination. These can be populated by the user to generate a decision tree representation of the table.
These are objects within the object palette that aren't being used. On saving the object the user will be asked if these unused objects can be removed from the object palette
Specialist scripting object that can be called when an external application has completed. Used to continue the execution of the application whilst an external user interacts with a separate application