let myResult = xpertrule.apiCall({
url: "http://acme.inc/service",
type: "POST",
data: {
recordID: 42
dataType: "json",
timeout: 10000
if (myResult.ok) {
} else {
The above code makes a call to a web service (with an endpoint of http://acme.inc/service). This is a post operation and the body of the passed message is a (stringified) JSON object {recordID: 42}.
n.b. The parameters passed to the xpertrule.api method are those specified by the jQuery ajax method. Click here for the official jQuery documentation.
A simpler, but not as flexible, method of consuming a web service is to use the inbuilt xpertrule.urlFetch method in your JavaScript Script as shown below. In this example the result returned from the web service is parsed and assigned to an Viabl.ai Platform object called 'result'.
myurl = ''+#postcode.val();
var dataStr = xpertrule.urlFetch(myurl);
obj = JSON.parse(dataStr);
This sample code demonstrates calling a REST based web service from a silent or chat knowledge base. The example assumes a POST based service (although GET is equally straight forward) expecting and returning JSON messages. In this sample the Node.js request object for the service call. More information can be found in the official Node.js documentation.
// sample code to call a web service from a node.js deployed knowledge base
var returnData = xpertrule.onceAsync(function(completeCB) {
// !! This section of code is guaranteed to only be called once !!
// Build the data to pass to the service. In this example we assume a JSON message in the post body
var jsonObject = JSON.stringify({
"caption" : "Post Test",
"name" : "This is some example text"
// setup the correct headers to send with the post
var postheaders = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length": Buffer.byteLength(jsonObject, "utf8")
// setup the options to connect to the service
var options = {
host: "api.mydomain.com",
port: 80,
path: "/serviceName",
method: "POST",
headers : postheaders
var rawReturn = ""; // Initialize the response (raw) buffer
var reqPost = http.request(options, function(res) {
res.on("data", function(chunk) {
rawReturn += chunk; // build the response message
res.on("end", function() {
// Assuming that the response from the service is a JSON message, decode it
returnData = JSON.parse(rawReturn);
// This tells viabl.ai inference engine to continue
reqPost.write(jsonObject); // send the input message in the post body
reqPost.end(); // end the request
// use the "returnData" object from here on