users (developers) must be registered by a Platform Admin level user using the Manage users... option.
A user should assigned to a single Group. New Groups can be defined using the Manage user groups... option
There are 3 types of users:
A Super Admin User can:
A Group Admin User can:
A Group User can
Only the Super Admin user or the Group Admin user have access to this menu option
A User is uniquely identified by their valid email address. It's very important to use the correct email address when adding a new User as any future password reset requests are sent directly to this email address.
A User should be be assigned to one of the existing Groups (see Manage Groups)
Assigns the User a sub-set of the privileges to determine which of the available options can be accessed by this User
A Group allows it's member users to share in the development of common Knowledge bases
Use Add Group to create a new group of users:
Once a Group is added, the group members (users email address) can be added/edited. A leading asterisk (*****) designates a Group Admin User
The URL of the various servers accessed by this group can also be specified.