Base Classes

All variable Objects in Platform are created from an existing Base Class, from which they inherit their Structure and Data (e.g. properties and values).

A variable Object is any Platform object which can acquire a runtime value (e.g. Questions and Decision Trees). Other Objects have no Base Class (Dialogs, Reports & Scripts).

The list of default Base Classes are obtained from the knowledge base Template used. A typical template will have the following Base Classes:

Control_Tree This base class is used as the template for decision flow tree's

Date_Question This base class is used as the template for date questions

List_Question This base class is used as the template for list questions which can be either single or multi-select

Text_Question This base class is used as the template for text questions

YesNo_Question This base class is used as the template for Yes/No questions

Numeric_Question This base class is used as the template for numeric questions

There are additional base classes that aren't in the standard template. These are pulled in from the server when a new question requiring that base class is created. These base classes will be brought into the knowledge base but will be set to be read-only. This can be changed by right-clicking the base class and selecting "Make Read/Write" but most applications won't require the base class to be editable.

List_Cases This base class will be added when a decision table is created using the build tool for the first time.

List_Tree This base class will be added when a decision tree is created using the build tool for the first time.

List_Rules This base class will be added when a decision rules list is created using the build tool for the first time.

Hero_Question This base class will be added when a visual list question is added using the build tool for the first time.

Upload_Question This base class will be added when an upload question is added using the build tool for the first time.

Numeric_Question This base class is used as the template for numeric questions

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