Dynamic Sequence Inference

Inference executes from top to bottom through each Variable Object, until all objects have been executed or an Exit Condition has been satisfied, whichever comes first. If an “empty” Variable Object is encountered, object inference is performed.

Essentially when an object is exited in a sequence, that object is deemed to have been successful in addressing the problem, and the counter is increased by one for that object. Over time, a certain object may have solved the problem more often than others and therefore that object will be executed first. The order the objects are executed in will change based on how successful they have been. This can be done between ‘%’ and ‘∑’ on the toolbar control.

% is the step resolution percentage (or how many times a step has been successful over the times it has been offered) whereas ∑ is the flow resolution count (or can be considered to be the overall fix rate for a step).

Dynamic Sequence Editor

A Dynamic Sequence object is a object that allows a number of Variable Objects to be executed in either a fixed or dynamic order. It is possible to add exit conditions on each Variable Object so that if it has a specific runtime value then the dynamic sequence can be exited and be assigned an outcome value (the default is “Done”). This can be done at any point in the sequence and no further objects will be executed.

The Dynamic Sequence is populated by the build tool and any Variable Objects selected will be added into the editor in alphabetical order.

It is possible to remove an attribute using the delete icon on the right-hand side. Existing objects or new questions can be added using the burger menu at the end of the sequence and re-ordering of Variable Objects is done by dragging into position. Variable Objects can also be dragged in from the object catalog.

Dynamic Sequence Exit Conditions

A Dynamic Sequence Object in should have at least two Variable Objects and an optional Exit Condition. The Variable Objects that can be used in the sequence are as follows:

The objects that can be used are as follows:

  • Questions
  • Calculated Attributes
  • Decision Trees
  • Decision Tables
  • Decision Rules
  • Dynamic Sequences

Yet only certain types of Variable Objects may have Exit Conditions. These are

  • List (Single select)
  • Boolean
Using objects other than the List and Boolean can still be used in the sequence editor but dynamic ordering is not recommended.

Dynamic Sequence Outcomes

When a Dynamic Sequence is created it only has one outcome value (the default is “Done”). It is possible to add (or edit) outcome values via the edit icon so that each of the Exit conditions could have a different value.

Dynamic Ordering

When a dynamic sequence is created, it is defaulted to be a fixed sequence and the dynamic aspect needs to be enabled. This is done through the dynamic ordering control.

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