HELP! Object Methods and Properties Platform Object properties can be accessed directly in JavaScript scripts. With the method's performing special operations on the objects whilst properties effecting the behaviour of Objects. Each type of Viabl Platform Object (List, Numeric, etc) can have its own special properties and methods which can be used to perform various functions. List type Objects can have a further set of properties associated with the List Values (which can be accessed via the inst method) Platform Object properties can also be accessed in XpertScript Scripts via the relevant System Functions.

There are two ways you can access Object properties using JavaScript:

// You can access the property via the Objects properties, for example:
// or you can do the below. This is the recommended way of accessing object properties.

The exception is when trying to access some properties such as aName, which can be accessed using the name of the property:

note that JavaScript is case sensitive. The Platform Object's property names are mostly in lower case whilst method names are in lower camelCase. Methods must also have brackets even if they have no parameters.. Platform Object Properties

List of useful properties you can access directly from the Object via Scripts:

Property Object Type Description
aName All Objects The internal name of the value
nvalues List Objects Number of List Values
props All Objects Accessing Object Property values
aDecPlaces Numeric Objects Access the decimal places of the object

List of useful properties requiring access to the flatprops:

Property Object Type Description
_default All Objects The objects default value
allowblank Variable Objects Allow blank value during dialog capture
description Variable Objects Object description
extrainfo Variable Objects Additional information to show with the 'more' button
inputmask Text Objects This property is used to control the runtime data entry for Text objects. The mask definition uses 'a' to represent an alpha character (A-Z,a-z), '9' to represent a numeric character (0-9), '*' to represent an alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9)
isdynamic Variable Objects Determines if full inference on an Object that already has a value, is invoked again to obtain a new value. (true/false)
isfileupload Upload Objects If the object is a file upload
ispassword Text Objects If the text object is a password
isvisible Variable Objects If the object is visible
knowledgesource Decision Objects Used in DMN Export
maxvalue Numeric Objects The maximum required value
minvalue Numeric Objects The minimum required value
multiline Text Objects Dialog capture over multiple-lines
promptonempty Decision Objects Prompts the user at runtime if capture field is empty
tieddialog Variable Objects Name of Dialog Object used to capture value
units Numeric Objects This is used to display the units next to the numeric input control

If you would like to see the full list of object properties you can access within the Platform, you can use the control+space key combination for example on the object 'test':

#test.props.<<control+space>>; Platform Object Methods

These are special functions you can call on objects. For example:;
Method Applicable Object Type Description
addInstance() List Objects Add a new List value
addInstances() List Objects Add new List values
clear() Variable Objects Clear Runtime Values
clearInstances() List Objects Delete all existing List values
delInstance() List Objects Delete an existing List value
encodeInstances() List Objects Encodes all instances of the list object
getType() All Objects Retrieve the type of a Viabl Platform Object
inst() List Objects Retrieve List Values Property values
isEmpty() Variable Objects Check if Object has a value
parentObj() Variable Objects Returns the Object's Base Class object
prop() All Objects Accessing Object Property values
run() All Objects Execute Objects
val() Variable Objects Accessing Object values
value() Variable Objects Fill in

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