The special Object xpertrule has the following methods and properties which can be accessed within JavaScript Scripts:
Method | Description |
.buildAllObjectData() | Returns an object containing all objects which have a value (whether captured, pre-supplied or assigned) |
.buildOutputObject(excludeEmptyObjects) | Returns an object containing objects specified as "outputs" in the KB (option to include / exclude empty objects) |
.capturedObjects() | Returns the captured objects IDs of the inference session to this point. |
.chain(moduleName) | Programatically chains to the specified module (in the project) |
.dataMsg([returnMessage]) | When inputs & outputs are specified as being "raw JSON", this method allows the getting and setting of the input & output message |
.decodeData() | This method decodes the input string parameter into object values |
.disableUI([cssProperties]) | Disable the User Interface. |
.enableUI() | Re-enable the (previously .disableUI) User Interface. |
.encodeData() | This method returns a JSON string containing the values of the specified Objects and/or Objects captured during this inference session up to this point. |
.engine_version | Returns an integer representing the specific engine version |
.extendTrace(ident, value) | Adds a custom line to the runtime trace which is visible in the trace window |
.findObject(name or id) | Find the Viabl Platform internal object from the given name or id. |
.flashMessage(message [,duration]) | Show a message at the bottom of the screen for duration seconds. |
.getValues(objectIDs) | Returns JavaScript object which holds the specified dictionary objects' values. |
.instances(objectName) | Returns an array containing all the defined List Values for the given object name. |
.lineOfReasoning() | This special method returns an array of all the executed Objects for the current runtime session |
.kbVersion() | Shows the current knowledge base version |
.message(aContent, aTitle, aBtnTxt) | Pops up a message dialog on the screen. |
.messageJSON(aContent) | Pops up a prettified JSON message dialog on the screen. |
.processUtterance(objectRef, utterance[, dontAutoAssign]) | This tries to calculate the value to assign to a specified object given a free-form text utterance |
.once(function()) | One time call for synchronous operations. |
.onceAsync(function(completeCB)) | One time call for asynchronous operations. |
.restart() | Restarts the inference, clearing all object values from the .restartPos() node. |
.runMode() | Returns a flag to indicate the current runtime environment. |
.setGlobalEventHook(eventFn) | Attaches a callback function which gets called in response to various inference situations. |
.setValues(valueObject) | Set dictionary object values via the supplied JavaScript object. |
.suspend([suspendData, [settings]]) | Suspend the inference (this method is used by the "Add Workflow Suspend" build tool) |
.terminate(errorMessage) | Display an error message and halt inference. |
.trace() | Returns the trace object as a string. |
.translate(kbText)" | This tries to retrieve the translation for the supplied string. If a match is not found (or no translation applied at deploy time) the supplied text is returned. |
.urlFetch(aURL, postData) | Makes an HTTP request to a web server with optional post data parameters. |