Using the Build Tools

The Build Tools are used to create the content of a knowledge base in the Platform. Build tools are essentially a collection of wizards that will guide the user to perform a development task such as create new Objects or act to change the data and/or functionality of existing Objects.

Most Build Tool also have an "Edit" mode which determines which aspect of the Object can be modified when you edit an existing Object. Please note this Tool-based editor is different from the Advanced Editor for Objects that provides access to all the low-level Properties and Events for an Object.

Build Tools can be accessed from the following:

  • The Build Tools Panel. These show all the Build Tools available for this knowledge base.
  • The burger menus of Objects from within other panels such as the Objects Catalog and Decision Map
  • Within various points on the Object Editors (displaying a context-sensitive subset of Build Tools).

Build Tools Panel

The Build Tools Panel appears on the bottom-left-hand-side of your opened knowledge base. Build Tools are grouped by Category (these can be expanded or collapsed) as well as a section for "Recently Used" Tools. This Panel can be hidden/shown by clicking the marker in centre of the grey border separating the Build Tools Panel from the Decision Map / Objects Catalog Panels underneath it. This grey border can also be used to re-size the Build Tools Panel.

Some Build Tools can be double-clicked to create new object(s) in the Object Catalog. Certain Build Tools can also be dragged into position on an Object Editor (e.g. on a Decision Tree editor) to create a new Object and add it to the Editor at the same time e.g. a new question object is added as a Decision Tree split (as well as to the Catalog).

Which Build Tools are available to a developer will depend on the type of deployment User Interface method used and what the developer's license includes. The following Build Tools are available to most developers:

Alternative Build Tools View

There is an alternative view of the build tools that moves the panels on the left hand side into a different orientation moving the Build Tools categories into additional tabs and moves the object catalog and history of accessed objects into the top left panel. To do this check the box below in the User Preferences

Accessing Build Tools from within Object Editors

Within the object editors, specific Build Tools intelligently appear in appropriate contexts, e.g. from the Decision Tree node popup menu...

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