Dialogs are used (for Dialog UI Target Deployment only) to capture user input and allow multiple Questions to be prompted for on the same page. To use this Tool, either double-click on the Tool, or drag it into required position on the Tree editor.
Enter the name of the Dialog Object and select a category ("Dialogs & Reports" category is selected by default)
On the next screen you can select an optional "Parent" dialog which allows some commonly used controls (Back & Next buttons) to be inherited. A default "Master_Dialog_Template" Parent is provided which can be edited to customise its content. Any Dialog can be used as a Parent but a "Child" Dialog cannot itself act as a "Parent".
A Parent Dialog can help maintain a consistent style and/or functionality across an application rather than creating common controls for each dialog separately.
Dialog Objects created by this Tool are identified by the
See here for more on using Dialogs